Rick Merrill
When I ask for a full backup it
still wants to know if I want to
"append this to the existing backups".
still wants to know if I want to
"append this to the existing backups".
Rick said:When I ask for a full backup it
still wants to know if I want to
"append this to the existing backups".
Shenan said:Why wouldn't it still ask?
I think you are mistaking what you are doing to have something to do with
what it is asking. Just because you have chosen to do a full backup does
not mean it cannot tack that data onto the end of a previous set of files.
It's a valid choice.
Think of it like this. You have a text document created in notepad. You
open and append to the end of that document every day. You do not overwrite
the old stuff you have already put into it. This is your choice. You may
be putting the same data into it every day - but it is *your choice* to put
that same data into the single file every day.
Now - you should know that NTBackup is a very limited and simplistic backup
application - if you are trying to do something more sophisticated - I have
found it makes more sense (in the case of NTBackup expecially) to find a
better solution and stop using the built-in solution.