Add Subtract Date Using Plus and Minus Keys

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave Elliott
  • Start date Start date

Dave Elliott

I have a control on my form where I input a date, Where could I use the code
below so pressing the Plus Key or Minus Keyincreases or decreases the date?
Control name is WorkDateI use the tab key only to navigate my forms.Select
Case KeyAscii
Case 43 ' Plus key
KeyAscii = 0
Screen.ActiveControl = Screen.ActiveControl + 1
Case 45 ' Minus key
KeyAscii = 0
Screen.ActiveControl = Screen.ActiveControl - 1
End Select
If the code even works at all, it would probably be on the KeyPress
event, which means that the code fires on every single keystroke. Also,
using this method, you'd be attempting to increase or decrease your Date
field when a plus/minus key was pressed... in any field on the form, at any
Try this instead...

Place 2 small buttons abutting the date field (my ex. DateWorked)... one
with a small plus and one with a small minus.
[DateWorked] [+][ -]

One the click event for each...

Private Sub cmdAdd1Day_Click()
DateWorked = DateAdd("d", 1, DateWorked)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSubtract1Day_Click()
DateWorked = DateAdd("d", -1, DateWorked)
End Sub

Al Camp
Just as a side note Dave, the code that you posted would not have worked if
the control was unbound, a non-numeric/non-date value, or the value was
NULL. For an unbound control you would need to trap the "YourDate.text"
property to find what the user typed, and always test for the correct data
type. In this case, by using something like IsDate(YourDate), or

I think it is always better to explicitly pass the control name to a
function to handle these types of things, using Screen.ActiveControl is a
bit of a loose canon (for the reasons Al pointed out).


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AlCamp said:
If the code even works at all, it would probably be on the KeyPress
event, which means that the code fires on every single keystroke. Also,
using this method, you'd be attempting to increase or decrease your Date
field when a plus/minus key was pressed... in any field on the form, at
Try this instead...

Place 2 small buttons abutting the date field (my ex. DateWorked)... one
with a small plus and one with a small minus.
[DateWorked] [+][ -]

One the click event for each...

Private Sub cmdAdd1Day_Click()
DateWorked = DateAdd("d", 1, DateWorked)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSubtract1Day_Click()
DateWorked = DateAdd("d", -1, DateWorked)
End Sub

Al Camp

Dave Elliott said:
I have a control on my form where I input a date, Where could I use the code
below so pressing the Plus Key or Minus Keyincreases or decreases the date?
Control name is WorkDateI use the tab key only to navigate my
Case KeyAscii
Case 43 ' Plus key
KeyAscii = 0
Screen.ActiveControl = Screen.ActiveControl + 1
Case 45 ' Minus key
KeyAscii = 0
Screen.ActiveControl = Screen.ActiveControl - 1
End Select
Arvin has an example on his site here:

Function fPlusMinus(KeyAscii As Integer, _
Optional dblAmt As Double = 1)
' Name: fPlusMinus
' Purpose: Increment or decrement a textbox using the + and - keys
' Inputs: KeyAscii As Integer
' dblAmt As Double
' Author: Arvin Meyer
' Date: August 18, 2002
' Comment: Can be used for dates or any numbers as long as
' the correct datatype is used
' 1 minute = 6.94444444444444E-04
' 5 minutes = 3.47222222222222E-03
' 15 minutes = 1.04166666666667E-02
' 1 day = 1

' Usage:
' Set form control's KeyPress event to: [Event Procedure]
' n is the number to increment
' 1 is the default, if unused, leave comma out:
' Call fPlusMinus(KeyAscii)
' Sample Code:
' Sub txtYourControl_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
' Call fPlusMinus(KeyAscii, n)
' End Sub

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Select Case KeyAscii
Case Asc("-"), Asc("_")
Screen.ActiveControl = Screen.ActiveControl - dblAmt
KeyAscii = 0
Case Asc("="), Asc("+")
Screen.ActiveControl = Screen.ActiveControl + dblAmt
KeyAscii = 0
End Select

Exit Function
Select Case Err
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Select
End Function


Stephen Lebans
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