It appears that .vbs files open in Notepad in your system (instead of wscript launching the vbs file). Try running the command "wscript.exe c:\arpnegcheck.vbs" from Start, Run. (Assuming that the arpnegcheck.vbs is in C:\ drive root.)
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting
I have no idea if I have Autocad. How do I look it up? It seems somethings
are missing from the fixes. When I go to download these programs from Kellys
Korner it doesn't seem that the actual fix is downloaded, just lots of things
similar to what I put below from yours, in a notepad. How do I get the
actual fix? It seems to be the same when I download your ARPNegcheck.vbs.
The icon on desktop is also the same as this below. Also, this link doesn't
work. Says page not found.
the Add/Remove Programs entries which have negative icon references in the
'Description : Helps fix the blank space in Add/Remove Programs applet.
'Details at :
'Copyrights : Copyright © 2005-2006 Ramesh Srinivasan
'Prerequisite: Windows XP
'Homepage : &
'Created on : May 29, 2005
'Revised on : July 30, 2006
Option Explicit
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Dim fso, b, objReg,strComputer, shell, arrSubKeys,subkey, strKeyPath,
sValue, NegChecker, ret, LogFileName, DirtyFlags
DirtyFlags = 0
Set Shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
LogFileName= Shell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\NegativeIcons.txt"
Set fso = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
set b = fso.CreateTextFile (LogFileName,true)
b.Writeline "Add/Remove Programs entries with negative icon references"
b.writeline string(57,".")
b.writeblanklines 1
b.WriteLine "<-----Begin----->"
b.writeblanklines 1
strComputer = "."
Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
objReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys
If Not IsNull(arrSubKeys) Then For Each subkey In arrSubKeys
ret = objReg.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath & "\" & subkey,
"DisplayIcon", sValue)f ret=0 Then
NegChecker = InStr(1,sValue, ",-",1)If NegChecker <>0 Then
DirtyFlags = 1b.Writeline "Registry Path : " & "HKLM\" & strKeyPath & "\" &
b.Writeline "DisplayIcon : " & sValue b.writeblanklines 1 End If
Ramesh said:
Is Autocad installed in the system? If that's the case, see this thread for a solution.
If not, then download the script below and run it. Post the results here. This script lists all the negative icon references present in the registry, and creates a log file for troubleshooting.
(Lists all negative icon references in Add/Remove)
Technical details at
The Old New Thing : Why does Add or Remove Programs show a large blank space?:
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting
The links don't seem to be working. I know this is old but I am haveing the
same problem. Can someone please help me?
Deep Ellum said:
In the middle of my Add/Remove Programs list there is a long pattern of black
bars the strecthes a long way. It starts after Real Player Basic and ends
before "save" which is an adware program associated with Bearshare. This long
strange assortment of bars can be selected/highlighted but can not be removed
as a program. What is this and is there some way I can get rid of this? Thank