Add Refrenceto a dll without using MS VS.NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reddy
  • Start date Start date



Our server doesn't has a MS VS.NET installed on it. It has the frmaework
installed. I want to add a reference to a dll compiled using VB6 for my
project on this server. Can anyone guide me about how to do it.


Our server doesn't has a MS VS.NET installed on it. It has the framework
installed. I want to add a reference to a dll compiled using VB6 for my
project on this server. Can anyone guide me about how to do it.

AFAIK, all a reference in VS.NET does is set you up for compilation.
In other words, if you were in VS.NET and added a reference to System.Web.dll and System.dll,
the equivalent way to compile on the command line would be

csc /target:library /out:bin/Assembly.dll *.cs /r:System.Web.dll /r:System.dll /debug+

This assumes C#, and you should leave off /debug+ if you are not debugging.