Add records

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bernd Smits
  • Start date Start date

Bernd Smits

I've a combobox with a list a patients and below any fields within their
personal data: like age, sex, etc. and below the fields a button "save
data". Ones I've compiled all the fields I click on the save button the data
aree saved in a related table (that one is associated with the current
form), but now, if I repeat the same operation for another patient and click
on the save button, the data are saved but they are going overwrite the
prevent record!!
How can achived this inconvenient?
Further, I would like, that, selected a patient, just in the list, and
clicking on a "modify" button, all the underlying fields are automaticly
compiled with the data of the selected patient, so that I have only to
change a few fields and not all the fields, and at the end I click on the
"save" button and I am going to save the modified data, overwriting the
prevent record.
Is it possibly and how?
Hi Bernd

You need to create a button on your form to add a new record. You can do
this by enabling the wizard on the "ToolBox" toolbar and inserting a new
command button. The wizard will ask what you want to do, in the "Record
Operations" category, click "Add new record", and that should sort out the
situation - click save, then click the "add new record" button that you've
just created.

All the best

Ashley Bragg
Hi Ashley,
the subject of my mail, wasn't the only thing I asked, because in the second
part of my mail, I wrote about a modify button, is there any button with
related code that implement the describted situation in my prevent mail?
Thank you for answer on my prevent mail!