Add or Remove from Control Panel



Hello, my Windows XP home edition will no longer allow me to Add or Remove a
program from the "Add or Remove" that is found in the Control Panel.
The Add or Remove feature is still there but the icons for Add or Remove
have disappeared.
They used to be there and used to work okay, I'm not sure when things

I have recently added Active Sync to my computer since buying a PDA.
I have added MicroSoft Autoroute 2006.
I have also added Dell Sat Nav Software.
The only other additions that I am aware of will be any updates that are
recommended by Microsoft, there have been three I think this last week.

My Computer is a Dell Dimension 2400.
My Windows says it is Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp-sp2-gdr.050301-1519:
Service Pack 2)

Any help will be appreciated.

José Gallardo

Start > Run and type in "appwiz.cpl" without the quotes. See if the icon


Tried what you suggested and it didn't work for change or remove a program.

The main icon "Change or Remove Programs" is there in the left column but it
doesn't appear to do anything, I am missing the smaller icons that were
usually contained on the same line as the program entry that I would want to
change or remove. I don't have that option available.

The second icon in the left column is "Add New Programs". When I select this
icon another screen cascades open with the option to add from CD or Floppy.

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