Add number

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adnan
  • Start date Start date


I have a spreadsheet with a worksheet for every business day. on each
worksheet I have the following data

TEAM 1 61 4
TEAM 2 38 7
TEAM 3 64 3
TEAM 4 82 7
TEAM 5 121 13
TEAM 6 57 5
TEAM 7 44 5

on the last worksheet, i want to show the total for the whole month by
adding the QT and RT. Therefore the last worksheet would show the total for
QT and RT for the month. The worksheets are named Aug01, Aug02 etc..



If you have data below Row 8 you don't want to include, change the ranges to

B2:B8 and C2:C8

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
Thanks guys. sorry I should have been more clearer. on the last worksheet i
need the total for each team. so the last sheet would show

Team 1 QT total for August RT Toal for August
Team 2 QT total for August RT Toal for August
and so on.
Using your example data layout.

=SUM(Aug01:Aug31!B2) drag/copy down

=SUM(Aug01:Aug31!C2) drag/copy down

The formula is giving me an error. Not sure if this can cause a problem with
I only have worksheets for each busines day. So the first worksheet is for
Aug 04 and it skils weekends and holidays. Do you think this might be causing
a problem and if so is there a way to work around it?
Also sometimes the formula doesnt give me an error but a window comes up
saying "Update Values: Aug 31" and asks me to choose a document form my
computer. not sure what that is either.