Hi Humi Khan,
I also did tried BUT not working or no Icon or button were visible.
Can you PLEASE tell us what words are to replace? Also, Thank You!
This is
the html script thats normally being used!
<a href="#"
onmouseover="return overlib('Bookmark us.')" onmouseout="return
www.dcevolution.net -
www.dcevo.com',DELAY, 1000);"><img
src="./images/bookmark.gif" alt="Bookmark" width="10" height="28"
border="0" /></a>
Here's one way to do it
<body onload="addfavs();">
<span id="addfav"></span>
This is the script
var is_ie = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) ? true : false
var hometitle = "your home title"
var homepage = '
function addfavs()
var appver, is_minor, is_major, text
if (is_ie)
{ appver = navigator.appVersion
is_minor = parseFloat(appver.substring(appver.indexOf('MSIE') + 5,
appver.indexOf(';',appver.indexOf('MSIE')) ))
is_major = parseInt(is_minor) }
text = '<a href="#" onclick="window.external.AddFavorite'
+ ' (homepage,hometitle);return false;"'
+ ' title="Add our site to your favorites!">'
if (is_ie && is_major >= '4')
text += 'Add our site to your favorites!</a>'
text += 'To add our site to your favorites - Press (Ctrl+D)</a>'
document.getElementById("addfav").innerHTML = text + '<hr />'