Using Office 2003 and Windows XP;
Two 3-column listboxes on a form, arranged side-by-side. The left-side box
is populated using a record source. No problem.
I would like the user to be able to double-click on a record listed in the
left-side box and have it appear in the right-side list box. The following
code works for the first record. After that, it replaces the one record with
the next one clicked. How can I alter this code to add additional items?
Me.lbxReferencedNames.RowSourceType = "Value List"
Me.lbxReferencedNames.ColumnCount = 3
Me.lbxReferencedNames.RowSource = sNameID & ";" & sName & ";" & sBirthDate
Two 3-column listboxes on a form, arranged side-by-side. The left-side box
is populated using a record source. No problem.
I would like the user to be able to double-click on a record listed in the
left-side box and have it appear in the right-side list box. The following
code works for the first record. After that, it replaces the one record with
the next one clicked. How can I alter this code to add additional items?
Me.lbxReferencedNames.RowSourceType = "Value List"
Me.lbxReferencedNames.ColumnCount = 3
Me.lbxReferencedNames.RowSource = sNameID & ";" & sName & ";" & sBirthDate