Add list in Control Combo Box



Hi All,

I have inserted a Control Combo box into a cell in my spreadsheet but I am
having a hard time figuring out how to enter the drop down items. I would
like to add four items, example: Train, Car, Plane, Boat so that people can
select one of these items. I have already tried the following suggestion and
it seems that when I enter the range of cells, the range just disappears and
nothing is entered into the drop down list. Does anyone know why it's not
working? Any help will be very much appreciated, thanks...

This is what I tried...
Show the control Toolbox and click on the Design Mode icon (top left icon).
Then rightclick on your combobox from the control toolbox toolbar and select
Click on ListFillRange and type in the address of a range that contains your
values (1 to 5).
You may want to type in an address for LinkedCell, too.

Peo Sjoblom

Did you type it like


and did you close the design mode after you were done?


Yes that worked, thank you very much. I was originally entering the range
with parenthesis. BUT one more problem now. Say I have listed in the
following order...
If I select Car, Plane or Train - Boat disappears from the list. So I
expanded my list to include a range of six cells instead of four, one before
boat and one after train. Now Boat does not disappear but when I select an
item it will duplicate in the list. For some reason it automatically enters
the word in the first cell of the range and then it will be duplicated in the
list. Can you tell me how I can make it stop doing that?


Ok, I just figured it out. I had entered the range in both LinkedCell and
ListFillRange. I took the range out of LinkedCell and it is now working
properly. Thanks again for all your help

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