I'm able to generate the links... but i would like to put each link on a
line after line.
this is in the default.aspx.vb
Dim lnk As New HyperLink
but the links are added on the same line and/or wordwrap to the next line. i
had tried control.rendercontrol, but no such luck and if that is actually
what i need to work with.
Any direction and/or sample codes would help.
Thanks in advance
I'm able to generate the links... but i would like to put each link on a
line after line.
this is in the default.aspx.vb
Dim lnk As New HyperLink
but the links are added on the same line and/or wordwrap to the next line. i
had tried control.rendercontrol, but no such luck and if that is actually
what i need to work with.
Any direction and/or sample codes would help.
Thanks in advance