Add-ins unexpected error



I used to have Crystal Ball installed as an add-in for school. When the
license ran out, I took it off Excel 07, and uninstalled it from my computer.
Now I am trying to install analysis toolpak (it's on my computer), but when I
click (office button) > (excel options) > (Add-Ins), the "unexpected error
and needs to close" box pops up and Excel has crashed. Any idea why this is
happening? It's only when I click Add-Ins (all other options - trust center,
resources, formulas, etc - work fine) I just can't access the screen to
manage add-ins! Any help is greatly appreciated.


Excel often loads each of the listed add-ins, even if they are unchecked in
Tools/Add-ins. It doesn't open them, but it does load them into memory. It
may be that an add-in that is being loaded blows up because it is missing
some component.

You might have a look in the registry under key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Add-in Manager for a
reference to an an orphaned Crystal Ball add-in file.

I hope this helps.


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