the DLL is located in a folder that looks like this (may be slightly
different on your PC)
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12
1) There may be more that one OFFICEXX folder on your PC since you may of
upgraded from office 2003. Sometimes in the upgrade process files don't get
copied to the latest folder. You can try to copy the file to the later
OFFICEXX folder on your PC if it is missing.
2) On the worksheet menu Add-Ins make sure the following two items are checked
a) Analysis Toolpak
b) Analysis Toolpak
3) On VBa menu the are also some references. One of the references may no
be pointing to the correct folder. the menu option is Tools - References
visual basic for Applications
Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library
Note: Use the latest version of the libraries on your PC
The above 4 should be checked. If not find them on the list and check each
of the boxes and press OK
4) One of the 4 libraries above may not be pointing to the correct path.
the last library is the MSO.DLL (Not MSOINTL). I would select Microsoft
Office 11.0 Object Library and then press Browse and located the latest
OFFICEXX folder and select the MSO.DLL library in that folder. The default
folder will be System32 and you will need to transverse the folders on your
PC to get back to the OFFICEXX folder.
If you have other libraries check in the refernces beside the 4 above you
may have a problem with of those libraries. Post the additional libraries
you have checked on your PC and I will do some research to see which libries
are associated which each of your references.