Add Favorite Folders to Folder List view in Navigation Pane

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Hobson
  • Start date Start date

Bill Hobson

I would like to create a Favorites Folder section at the top of the Folder
List pane in the Navigation Pane. Of course I hit a blank wall on the MS
Knowledge Base (sometimes I wonder why I even bother to search there). You
can right click anything you want and then click "add to my favorite
folders", but there isn't any such thing as a Favorites Folder by default on
the Folder List view of the Navigation Pane. Anyone know how to add one?
Use the OutlookBar object with the Group "Shortcuts" and add whatever you
want there.

'pass in a MAPIFolder object to a procedure as objFolder
Dim colBarShortcuts As Outlook.OutlookBarShortcuts
Dim oBarShortcut As Outlook.OutlookBarShortcut
Dim oPane As Outlook.OutlookBarPane
Dim oGroup As Outlook.OutlookBarGroup
Dim blnAdd As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

Set oPane = olApp.Explorers.Item(1).Panes.Item("OutlookBar")
If Not (oPane Is Nothing) Then
Set oGroup = oPane.Contents.Groups.Item("Shortcuts")
If oGroup Is Nothing Then
Set oGroup = oPane.Contents.Groups.Add("Shortcuts")
End If

Set colBarShortcuts = oGroup.Shortcuts

blnAdd = True
For Each oBarShortcut In colBarShortcuts
If oBarShortcut.Name = objFolder.Name Then
blnAdd = False
Exit For
End If

If blnAdd Then
colBarShortcuts.Add objFolder, objFolder.Name
End If
End If