Add data to excel series

  • Thread starter Thread starter Walt
  • Start date Start date


I receive daily API transation data. Each day the data is
provided via a text file. Data is in columns. First column
is date, second column is API (35 different APIs), third
column is transaction volume and fourth column is average
response time. I would like to create a chart with date on
the x axis, transaction volume on the y axis, and each API
as its own series. I can create a base chart for a single
day with all series. I am having a problems adding in
addition series data for each additional day? Is there an
easy way to add data to each series?
Create a PivotTable (and PivotChart). Experiment with the day / API as
a row/column field to get the desired effect.


Tushar Mehta
MS MVP Excel 2000-2003
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA tutorials and add-ins
Custom Productivity Solutions leveraging MS Office