add custom control to navigation toolbar

  • Thread starter ricardozelaya via
  • Start date

ricardozelaya via

I want to display a total number of records where a field matches certain
criteria next to the (record "current record" of "total records) on the
navigation toolbar.

name today's date
record1 John 12/31/2006
record2 Jane 01/01/2006
record3 Joe 12/31/2006

record 3 of 3 records records with today's date = 2

Van T. Dinh

I don't *think* you can modify the inbuilt NavigationBar on the Form.

If you want to do this, you will have to create your own custom

Start by using Stephen Leban's RecNavButtons:

to replicate the inbuilt NavigationBar and then modify from there for your
additional details.

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