Watch for linewrap. This should get you started. I left in some
options (commented out) that you can try. Not sure what your goal is.
Search Google Groups for msocontrolcombobox Excel for more ideas.
Sub AddComboBox()
'' Places the ComboBox on the shortcut menu.
Dim cbCBO As CommandBarComboBox
Dim intI As Integer
Dim rngFill As Range
Dim varFill As Variant
' Set rngFill = Range("A1:A10") ' Use this for list of names in a
' varFill = rngFill.Value
varFill = Array("First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", _
"Sixth", "Seventh", "Eighth", "Ninth", "Tenth")
Set cbCBO =
With cbCBO
.Caption = "Please Select"
For intI = LBound(varFill) To UBound(varFill)
.AddItem varFill(intI)
' .AddItem varFill(intI, 1)
Next intI
.Style = msoComboNormal
.OnAction = "Hello"
.Tag = "__This Combo__"
End With
End Sub
Sub DeleteComboBox()
' Deletes the combobox.
CommandBars("Cell").FindControl(Tag:="__This Combo__").Delete
End Sub
Sub Hello()
' Displays a MsgBox of nacros to run.
Dim cbCBO As CommandBarComboBox
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim strIndex As String
' Set cbCBO = CommandBars("Cell").FindControl(Tag:="__This
intIndex = CommandBars("Cell").FindControl(Tag:="__This
' Select Case cbCBO.List(cbCBO.ListIndex) ' This is a string. So
Case "First, Case "Second"
Select Case intIndex
Case 1: strIndex = "FirstMacro"
Case 2: strIndex = "SecondMacro"
Case 3: strIndex = "ThirdMacro"
Case 4: strIndex = "FourthMacro"
Case 5: strIndex = "FifthMacro"
Case 6: strIndex = "SixthMacro"
Case 7: strIndex = "SeventhMacro"
Case 8: strIndex = "EighthMacro"
Case 9: strIndex = "NinthMacro"
Case 10: strIndex = "TenthMacro"
Case Else:
End Select
MsgBox "You are about to run the " & strIndex & "."
CommandBars("Cell").FindControl(Tag:="__This Combo__").ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Tested using Excel 97SR2 on Windows 98SE,