So adding another ip to ones NIC. When you got dhcp provided and want another
internal ip for you home network.
In Win Xp it was easy, just regedit
ControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{B003AD4A-B6DB-44FD-9741-CBA3C51B6498} (GUID)
and edit the IpAddress and SubnetMask in the multi string dialog boxes on
the second and third line for each ip.
What about Vista? How do you add more ip's?
internal ip for you home network.
In Win Xp it was easy, just regedit
ControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{B003AD4A-B6DB-44FD-9741-CBA3C51B6498} (GUID)
and edit the IpAddress and SubnetMask in the multi string dialog boxes on
the second and third line for each ip.
What about Vista? How do you add more ip's?