Add an item to the "new" - option in outlook toolbar

  • Thread starter Thread starter Heinz Schmidt
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Heinz Schmidt

Hi NG,

i try to add an item to the outlook "new" option in the toolbar.
Its already done whith the main menubar but i'm currently unable to add an item to the submenus or the shown toolbars.

It would be great if some of you have an idea.

Thanks a lot

I don't believe that menu is customizable.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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How to ask a question:

Hi NG,

i try to add an item to the outlook "new" option in the toolbar.
Its already done whith the main menubar but i'm currently unable to add an
item to the submenus or the shown toolbars.

It would be great if some of you have an idea.

Thanks a lot

Hi Milly,

thanks for this information, but when i'm installing Livemeeting it is
possible for them - there occures new buttons in this menu


Hi Heinz,
thanks for this information, but when i'm installing Livemeeting it is
possible for them - there occures new buttons in this menu

Search the CommandBars collection of the Outlook Explorer you want
to extend add the button to. Get the "Standard" command bar.

Find the CommandBarControl with ID 1874 which is the new drop down.
Cast it to CommandBarPopup

Use its Controls collection to add a CommandBarButton or whatever
control type you want.
Hi Sven,

thanks for this hint!
Can you provide an codesnippet becouse i'm not realy sure about the right
way to do it...

Thank you very much!


Hi Heinz,
thanks for this hint!
Can you provide an codesnippet becouse i'm not realy sure about the right
way to do it...

' this is a global variable
Private WithEvents m_oNewButton as CommandBarButton

' this is in one of your functions
Dim oNew as CommandBarPopup
' get the new popup control
Set oNew = ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 1874)

' add a button
Set m_oNewButton = oNew.Controls.Add(1)
m_oNewButton.Caption = "Hello World"

To react to the click event select the m_oNewButton from the left
combo box which is located above the source code. In the right
combobox select the Click entry. That should create a new
OnClick procedure which gets called when the button is clicked.