Example: Cell A = 50, Cell B = 96%, Cell C = Cell A + (Cell A x Cell
B) = 98
I want to be able to compare the list of criteria and add a number to
Cell C accordingly
For example: If Cell B is between 95 and 100%, Add 1 to the total in
Cell C
If between 85 and 94%, add 2... etc.
There are more than 7 so I know I can't simply nest If statements...
Any advice on how I could fairly simply accomplish this?
B) = 98
I want to be able to compare the list of criteria and add a number to
Cell C accordingly
For example: If Cell B is between 95 and 100%, Add 1 to the total in
Cell C
If between 85 and 94%, add 2... etc.
There are more than 7 so I know I can't simply nest If statements...
Any advice on how I could fairly simply accomplish this?