I would like to create a "cleanup" rule to run periodically. I would
like to be able to put a list of domain names in a list, then have a
rule where if any of those domain names are in the sender name they
will be moved into the deleted folder. I get a lot of mail that I
don't want to filter, but don' necessarily read everday either, and it
mounts up. So, it would be nice if once ever couple of months I could
go in,run the cleanup rule and clear the old ones out.
like to be able to put a list of domain names in a list, then have a
rule where if any of those domain names are in the sender name they
will be moved into the deleted folder. I get a lot of mail that I
don't want to filter, but don' necessarily read everday either, and it
mounts up. So, it would be nice if once ever couple of months I could
go in,run the cleanup rule and clear the old ones out.