Right click on any tab and select move or copy and then tick the little
box that
says create a copy and then name it START. Now repeat that and name the
next sheet you create as FINISH. Repeat it once more and call that sheet
SUMMARY. Drag SUMMARY to the very beginning of your sheets, drag START so
that it is second and drag FINISH to the very end.
Now click on your Summary sheet and in A1 put
=SUM(START:FINISH!A1) which will pull in any data from A1 pulling from
START sheet to FINISH sheet and including any sheets in between. As long
as any sheets you add to the file are in between START and FINISH sheets,
they will get pulled into the total, no matter what you call them. Now
hide your START and FINISH sheets (if you want to).
Copy the cell A1 and then paste special as formulas into any cells that
need to add up all the sheets on the Summary page.
Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission
