Hi Will,
I'm going to make some assumptions here.
I assume you are jumpering Wide SCSI drives on a 68 or 80 pin cable
and know what you are doing by jumpering at least the 4th set of ID
jumper pins (ID8) in addition to whatever other jumpers are set.
I assume that each drive has a unique ID which none of the other
drives has.
I assume that you have the bus segment terminated correctly.
I assume you have gone into the SCSI card bios (ctrl A at the banner)
and used the controller bios to try and detect the drives.
You haven't really posted your configuration but.... try a single
drive with all the ID jumpers jumped (ID15) on your Wide cable.
(that is the 68pin cable - the 50pin cable is physically wider than
the 68pin cable but is not the Wide cable) and see if the 3944 bios
can detect it. Also, the card will not load the bios if there are no
bootable drives.
All things being equal.... I would suspect the cable.
However...you haven't given the entire model Adaptec SCSI controller.
The specs I bring up seem to point to the 3944 being a Differential
SCSI controller. Differential = HVD. HVD = High Voltage Differential
as opposed to the standard LVD drives.
HVD drives are used in electrically noisy industrial settings and a
standard plain vanilla LVD or SE or 50pin narrow SCSI drive will NOT
work on the HVD controller. And quite possibly never work again on
anything if it's been hooked to a HVD controller.
Is the actual model number of the card something like: AHA-3944AUWD?
We have an Adaptec 3944 host adapter in a Compaq 1850R, and that adapter
doesn't seem to be able to deal with any SCSI ID greater than 7, even though
the BIOS suggests it can see 15 IDs per channel. What would cause the
adapter to not see SCSI IDs 8 or higher?
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