Richard Steinfeld said:
The tool I need must be capable of playing streams made with Real
Networks technology. Does Quintessential?
Here is a question that gets asked fairly often, and must be answered
for the benefit of newcomers to a.c.f.
Real, Inc. files ... are constructed with proprietary algorithms. They
can be played ONLY, ONLY (repeat .. ONLY) if your
computer has the correct set of Real, Inc. codecs installed. This can
happen only in two ways: by installing an honest-to-goodness
Real, Inc program called RealPlayer, RealOne ... or by installing one
of either RealAtLast or RealAlternative. These last two are merely
quick installations of the Real, Inc codecs .. bundled for convenience.
They do NOT include the RealPlayer/RealOne program itself. Yet,
in RealAlternative, some enterprising code-savvy hacker has
manipulated an older version of WindowsMediaPlayer into
recognizing a number of media formats, such as Real files and some
video formats. It can do this trick ONLY because
those Real, Inc. codecs have been installed. Likewise, other 3rd
party programs, such as Winamp, Irfanview, MusicMatch, UltraPlayer,
can also play these files ONLY if you have the Real, Inc. codecs.
Likewise, a similar QuickAlternative installation, places the needed
codecs on your computer without also installing QTimePlayer itself.
Similarly, the included hacked WindowsMediaPlayer will now play
QTime files.