msadexchman said:
We have a native multi site W2K AD environment. Our hub site has two
W2K DC's which are running on aging hardware. We've purchased two
new servers and have Windows 2003 Server running on them. We would
like to upgrade our AD to Windows 2003 by adding these two new
servers as 2k3 CD's and decommisioning the existing 2 DC's. What
process would I follow? Don't I run adprep first on the schema
master? One of the two existing DC's is holding all 5 FSMO roles and
we would like to transfer them to the 2 new DC's (so we can seperate
the Infrastructur Master from the GC server). At what point can we
raise the domain functional level to Windows 2003? After the OS has
been upgraded to 2003 on all our remote site W2K DC's?
If anyone who has been in this situation can shed some light, I'd
appreciate it. I also heard that you should disable outbound
replication on the DC that is becoming the first W2K3 box in case
something goes wrong?
Rather easy, just time consuming.
I just posted something similar for someone else:
Do you have Exchange 2000 in use?
If so, you may get an error running adprep/forest prep beacuse of mangled
attributes, follow this article:
Windows Server 2003 adprep -forestprep Command Causes Mangled Attributes
Windows 2000 Forests That Contain Exchange 2000 Servers:;en-us;314649
You should upgrade the machine that holds the token for the the Schema
Master and Domain Name Master. If you don't want to upgrade it (say if
too old), then run the adprep /forestprep on the existing Schema Master,
then install a fresh DC with 2003, then move those roles over to it. Don't
forget the GC as well. After that, you can choose any order you like.
More info:
How to upgrade Windows 2000 domain controllers to Windows Server 2003:;en-us;325379
Common Mistakes When Upgrading a Windows 2000 Domain To a Windows 2003
This just a summary. There are numerous other scenarios and issues as
depending on what else has been installed, and if the Schema has been
altered by other non-Microsoft programs, which can cause issues.
Also take a look at this by Jorge:
As far as the FSMO, I mentioned the DNM and SM, and moving the GC over to
the machine that is the DNM. After that you can transfer the other roles,
which will be no problem, and highly recommended. Move DNS over to the new
ones too by installing DNS, then just wait for the next replication, and
the zone auto appears in DNS. Then uninstall (don't delete the zones) off
the 2000 DCs. If you delete the zone, then it removes it from AD. Don't
mess with the zone replication scopes yet until after the current 2000 DNS
servers have been uninstalled. THen you can change the scope. Then after
you've verified everything's operational and working, demote the old DCs.
Once ALL of the 2000 are gone, you can raise the level to 2003 for the
domain and forest.
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
Microsoft Certified Trainer
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