Curt Shaffer said:
We just tried to upgrade our DNS to AD Integrated and all of the host
files under the domain disappeared. The secondary DC could not get a
list from them PDC either. We tried remaking the zones on the
secondary but it would not pull from the primary. I have never seen
this happen before. We had backups of course but I am confused as to
why it happened? Any Clues?
Curt Shaffer,MCP
Wireless/Network Specialist
Chilitech Internet Solutions
Just changing the zone type to AD Integrated will not remove any host
records in DNS. When you make a zone AD Integrated, you are just simply
telling it to store the zone data in the actual AD database instead of a
text file in system32\dns. That's it. Some other DNS servers, I understand,
you can tell them to store them in other databases, such as SQL, Oracle,
etc. With Microsoft DNS, the only database option you have is the AD
database. Besides, it's much more secure this way, anyway. Once it's in the
AD database, it replicates as part of the AD database replication process to
all DCs in that domain (win2000). Win 2003 has additional feature sets that
enhances this behavior, to other domains, but I'm assuming you have Win
2000, since you posted in this group.
If you have a secondary zone, as long as you ensure the Primary or the AD
INtegrated zone that is configured as the Master has zone transfers allowed,
then it should allow the transfer. Now if the secondary zone is sitting on a
DC in teh same domain, then you should make that AD Integrated as well,
since the zone is stored in the AD database on that machine.
If you can describe your steps, step for step, in what you did that would
have caused what you are saying, maybe we can point out what went wrong and
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Windows Server - Directory Services
Security Is Like An Onion, It Has Layers
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A lifetime commitment for a pig.