AD integrated DNS with conditional forwarding on windows 2000 and 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter esask
  • Start date Start date



Anyone who knows if it works to run an AD-integrated dns zone (on
Windows 2003 servers) that uses conditional forwarding in combination
with DNS/DCs that do not support conditional forwarding (i.e windows

The situation is as following:
Our domain runs in windows 2000 native mode. Currently, all our domain
controllers run win2000 with an intergrated zone called
In addition we have a DNS server that runs Windows 2003 and this
server holds a 2ry copy of the ad-itegrated zone ( The
Win2003 server use conditional forwarding for namespace The
hosts that use this server as their DNS needs to have the conditional
forwarding service available.
I want to promote this win2003 DNS server to a DC, and by doing that
change its 2ry zone ( to participate in the existing
active directory integrated zone;
My question is, what will happen with the conditional forwarding
service? Will it still work on the Win2003 DNS/DC server? The other
DNS/DCs in the domain will still run on Win2000 and conditional
forwarding is not a feautre on Win2000...

Greatly appreciate your thoughts on this :)

esask said:

Anyone who knows if it works to run an AD-integrated dns zone (on
Windows 2003 servers) that uses conditional forwarding in combination
with DNS/DCs that do not support conditional forwarding (i.e windows

The situation is as following:
Our domain runs in windows 2000 native mode. Currently, all our domain
controllers run win2000 with an intergrated zone called
In addition we have a DNS server that runs Windows 2003 and this
server holds a 2ry copy of the ad-itegrated zone ( The
Win2003 server use conditional forwarding for namespace The
hosts that use this server as their DNS needs to have the conditional
forwarding service available.
I want to promote this win2003 DNS server to a DC, and by doing that
change its 2ry zone ( to participate in the existing
active directory integrated zone;
My question is, what will happen with the conditional forwarding
service? Will it still work on the Win2003 DNS/DC server? The other
DNS/DCs in the domain will still run on Win2000 and conditional
forwarding is not a feautre on Win2000...

Greatly appreciate your thoughts on this :)


If you have a conditinal forwarder configured, and you promote it to a DC,
there will be no change to your DNS configuration, so they will remain.
Promoting a machine is not like reinstalling the system.

Once you update all your DNS servers, and if they are all DCs, then you can
now use AD Integrated zones and replicate them forest wide. No knowing
specifics about your environment, depending on what these xxxx and yyyy
zones are, if they are part of the forest, then you won't need forwarding,
unless there's a delegation involved. So take this into consideration.

DNS zone replication in Active Directory - mixed W2k and W2k3 environment:

Create the default DNS application directory partitions:


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Windows Server - Directory Services

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