AD Delegation wizard trouble.



Hello all,

I'm working on a simple asset identification process that uses Active
directory. (Windows 2003 R2)

The process conditionally places a user's employee ID (from the user
object attribute EmployeeID) into the computer object's employeeID
attribute and the user's PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName attribute into the
computer object's PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName attribute. (There's a few
others but these two are giving me grief.)

Because the process may run under the context of any given user, on any
given XP workstation I want to allow "authenticated users" the ability
to update this select computer object attribute in the directory;
however, I've hit a wall with the delegation wizard.

It seems as the delegation wizard refuses to recognize these two

Once I get to the property specific dialog of the delegation wizard
(where it lists "read <attribute name>" or "write <attribute name>") I
those attributes aren't listed there.

They appear to be inherited from the user class, ADSIedit sees them
just fine, and as an admin I can update the fields, I just can't find a
way to allow anyone else to do it.

I'm considering DSACLS, but like to know why the wizard doesn't work.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Tim Olsen

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