Greg said:
We have a new AD domain and DNS server. AD wont seem to create the 4
directories in DNS: "MSDCS, Sites, TCP, UDP"
Anyone know why or how to force it to do this?
Check the following...
DNS for AD
1) Dynamic for the zone supporting AD
2) All internal DNS clients NIC\IP properties must specify SOLELY
that internal, dynamic DNS server (set.)
3) DCs and even DNS servers are DNS clients too -- see #2
4) If you have more than one Domain, every DNS server must
be able to resolve ALL domains (either directly or indirectly)
netdiag /fix
....or maybe:
dcdiag /fix
(Win2003 can do this from Support tools):
nltest /dsregdns /server
Ensure that DNS zones/domains are fully replicated to all DNS
servers for that (internal) zone/domain.
Also useful may be running DCDiag on each DC, sending the
output to a text file, and searching for FAIL, ERROR, WARN.
Single Label domain zone names are a problem Google:
[ "SINGLE LABEL" domain names DNS 2000 | 2003 microsoft: ]