I've been looking for a colour laser printer too for a while, and the
two I'm most interested in are the C1100 and HP's 3500. I've managed
to get print samples of all the printers on my original list except for
the C1100, which has proved impossible for the past three months.
I'd recommend you try and get hold of samples so you can see first hand
what you'll be getting, rather than just relying on numbers and
subjectives. The 2550L looks slightly cheaper to operate than the
C1100 but not by a huge margin (ameiva.co.uk).
is a good place for printer reviews including images of the prints
close up, don't forget to use a translator. Epson's certainly seems to
have bright vivid colours and glossy detail, which might be good for a
Talk to theprinterdatabase.com and see if they can print one of your
own files for you. They were helpful with me for the first few weeks,
after which I got ignored.
- Tom