ActualTime And TotalTime

Nov 4, 2008
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On Outlook 2007 -> Tasks -> Details Tab we have:
Total Time
Actual Time

Please tell me what is the difference?
Can I put times in these 2 fields or it's calculated depending on Start Date and Completion Date.
I dig out internet and Outlook help but I couldn't find any info on this :mad: .

And I have another question:
Again on Outlook 2007 -> Tasks -> Details Tab we have:
Date completed

Is there any connection between Date Completed and Due Date?
I just wanted to add some things that disturbed me.

Total Work is for me Total Mess :wall: I tried to add hours of work for different tasks and show the column Total Work in the View "by Categories".

The result is very bad - it changes the work hours to days (0.5 days, 1.5 days etc.), tried to change the Format of the field (column), nevertheless what field format i choose it shows days assuming that work day is 8,12,24 hours.

To make it worse it's not always showing the correct value. Outlook 2007 is somehow changing the field value. Try to test and change several times the values for a task. Do not open the taks but change the value in any of your tasks view in the column Total Work. Then open the task and see on the Details Tab that the value is sometimes different. For example - on the tasks view Total Work it shows 3 hours and on the Details Tab - Total Work value is 1.5 days. Don't know what is happening but it's totally wrong and confusing. Please let me know is there any logic :confused: