Actually speed of a network

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dragonfly
  • Start date Start date


Hello All,

Is there a tool or software that I can use to test the
speed of data sent between two IP address. This is to
determin whether my network is actually running at 100MBs.

Thanks in advance,

Surely if you have the taskbar enabled you would be able to see if this NIC
is running at 10 or 100mbps?

All NICs are set to 100 MBs. How do you determin if the
data going down the wire is ACTUALLY transfering at
100MBs? Is there a test you can do or software to use to
determin this?
Not that I know off but Im sure there is a utility to check this out.

I guess most people just assume that the transfer is going to be 100Mbps
otherwise Windows would indicate otherwise - either from the cable or the
hub its connected to.
"Assuming" something is working correctly has proven very
dangerous, especially in the last couple of weeks.
100 Mbps is like how many cubic inches your car engine has. Data
actually transfered is more like how much horsepower is delivered to the
wheels. Copy a 10 meg file and time it to see what the system is really
moving per second.