James Martin
A couple days ago I noticed that there was constant activity on my network
card, even though I wasn't running anything that should be generating
network traffic. So I port scan and discovered that there's all kinds of
activity on port 16776.
Most of the packets are 104 bytes. And they are to a seemingly endless list
of IP's. Every second or two a new IP shows up from places all around the
world with some of this packet activity.
I've run every virus scanner and anti-spyware program I can find. None of
them detect anything. And yet the port activity is still going on
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
A couple days ago I noticed that there was constant activity on my network
card, even though I wasn't running anything that should be generating
network traffic. So I port scan and discovered that there's all kinds of
activity on port 16776.
Most of the packets are 104 bytes. And they are to a seemingly endless list
of IP's. Every second or two a new IP shows up from places all around the
world with some of this packet activity.
I've run every virus scanner and anti-spyware program I can find. None of
them detect anything. And yet the port activity is still going on
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.