ActiveX Restriction in IE Local Files --- Solution!!!

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I'm new to this group, but I perused and saw a couple people with the
same problem and thought I'd post what I found. I, like another
poster, got the error "To help protect your security, Internet
Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that
could access your computer. Click here for options..." I could click
it and enable the content just this once, but the setting did not
save. I monkeyed and monkeyed with the security settings but never
could get a local file to use activex. But what I found was, if
instead of accessing c:\temp\file.html, you map it on your network, as
in \\Mypc\temp\file.html the local networking settings work, and you
can allow your local network to use ActiveX! So, I hope this helps
someone. It worked for me.
I've just tried that but it shows an 'page could not be found' error..hmmm
I'm running XP home with SP2...
Another annoying issue: everytime I open OE6, I get also a small yes/no
window with "active content may harm your computer or disclose personal
information..." message, despite the settings in the Security it shows
everytime I open OE - best is to set it to go directly to Inbox as it opens.