activeX problem

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when i log to some sites , the error massage will be shown "activeX"
what should i do??
Hi Sadegh :-)
when i log to some sites , the error massage will be shown "activeX"
what should i do??

Well, what you could do first is tell us the version of Windows you are
using. Next, give a few now metails of the problem, like, if you are
getting any error messages and what they wording is if so. Those would
really help. :-)

I'll make a few guesses here:

if you have McAfee:

Disable the McAfee ActiveX controls Applet filters in the Internet Filter
window when you select Customize your VShield settings

"Your current security settings prohibit running Active X controls on this
page. As a result pages may not display correctly."


if the security level is set to high then it will be blocking ActiveX
controls: Set the security level to Medium.

View the Browsers How-to regarding updating your browser security settings.
and Setting your browser to medium-level security


ActiveX Control Settings

These settings are good for XP. The wording should be close for other
as well:

Go to Control Panel>Internet Options
Click on the Security tab>Custom level button
Make sure settings are as follows.

Download signed ActiveX Controls>set to Prompt
Download unsigned ActiveX Controls>set to Disable
Initialize and script ActiveX Controls not marked as safe>set to Disable
Run ActiveX Controls and pluggins>set to Enable
Script ActiveX Controls marked safe for scripting>set to Enable
Java permissions>set to High
Launching programs and files in a IFRAME > Prompt
Installation of Desktop items> Prompt
Navigate sub-frames across different domains>Prompt


1. Try temporarily disabling your firewall to see if HTTPS then works
2. You may have other software installed that is blocking ActiveX content.
3. An option in anti-spyware software you installed and enabled.
4. Could be a BHO (browser helper object) that you installed to provide
additional protection; use BHO Demon to see them, or use Spybot's tools to
list them.
5. You may have used SpywareBlaster to install kill switches in the registry
so certain ActiveX controls will not run, and you've hit one of those
malware AX controls.
6. It may be that you installed lots of other stuff that will affect the web
over which IE has no control.
7. It may be that the developer of the website has programmed something into
the page that is causing the problem. You will have to contact the
webmaster and let them know.

Allow active content to run in files on My Computer - Windows XP Service
Pack 2:

Zone Err Msg: Your Current Security Settings Prohibit Running ActiveX
Controls on This Page...

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
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