ActiveX, plug-in...whatever

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob T
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Rob T

The other day I posted a question about using ActiveX in my project.....
obviously, that's not the best solution. But I found this great article on
what the author calls rich-client which does EXACTLY what I'm looking for.
Being able to show a windows form in an IE window!

Unfortunately, some of the terminology is over my head and it's in C#...I'm
a VB person. Could anyone explain how this is done or point me somewhere
that does this? I will admit, I can be quite dumb some days and learn best
by a nice step-by-step example.

Thanks for your help.

-Rob T.
you can now write an active/x control in .net and download to the browser.
there are serveral rules involved:

1) the client must have the .net framework installed already (gennerally you
need 1.1 installed)
2) the code dll or cab file must be signed
3) the user must allow active/x controls in the browser
4) because the control is written in .net, hosted by unmanged code, it runs
in a special security envoriment, and unlike a normal active/x control will
be restricted to what it can do (no access to the disk, other website other
than the one downloaded from, etc).
5) IE only.
6) when the page first loads the control, it must load the .net runtime, and
load an appdomain. this can take several seconds, up to minute or more. so
you don't want to do this for a trival control.

in general use this techonolgy where you would use a large java applet.

-- bruce (

| The other day I posted a question about using ActiveX in my project.....
| obviously, that's not the best solution. But I found this great article
| what the author calls rich-client which does EXACTLY what I'm looking for.
| Being able to show a windows form in an IE window!
| Unfortunately, some of the terminology is over my head and it's in
| a VB person. Could anyone explain how this is done or point me somewhere
| that does this? I will admit, I can be quite dumb some days and learn
| by a nice step-by-step example.
| Thanks for your help.
| -Rob T.
Thanks for the response Bruce. I'm aware of these 'restrictions'. I guess
my real question is how do I create the class with the windows form in it?
If I were to crate a new project from scratch, what type of project template
should I use? Are there any existing VB example out there I can pick
through? I'm basically looking for a good How-To on it.

Thanks again.
Hi ,
Why dont use some of the code converters from C# to ??
I think by doing this it would be easier for you to understand the code.
