I have a macro that I would like to update every tab in the workbook, but I
can only get the one active sheet to update when I run the macro. I tried to
use two "FOR" staements but got an error. I want this macro to update every
sheet every time the workbook is opened. Here is my code. Any help would be
great as I rarely write macros so I am doing this by trial and error and
reading past posts. Thanks!
Sub Workbook_Open()
' This Macro will clear out the UNLOCKED cells of a sheet that is older
' than todays date by looking at the date cell in the spreadsheet
Dim cell As Range
With ActiveWorkbook
If Date > Range("A1").Value Then
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If Not cell.Locked Then cell.ClearContents
Next cell
End If
End With
End Sub
can only get the one active sheet to update when I run the macro. I tried to
use two "FOR" staements but got an error. I want this macro to update every
sheet every time the workbook is opened. Here is my code. Any help would be
great as I rarely write macros so I am doing this by trial and error and
reading past posts. Thanks!
Sub Workbook_Open()
' This Macro will clear out the UNLOCKED cells of a sheet that is older
' than todays date by looking at the date cell in the spreadsheet
Dim cell As Range
With ActiveWorkbook
If Date > Range("A1").Value Then
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If Not cell.Locked Then cell.ClearContents
Next cell
End If
End With
End Sub