I need help....
The following statement is being used in a do loop.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(" & TagNmeMe & "!R[" & Cnt1 &
"]C[-1]="""",""""," & TagNmeMe & "!R[" & Cnt1 & "]C[-1])"
What I need it to do is this:
if(sheet1!A5="","",sheet1!a5) then 9 rows down paste this:
Problem is when recording a macro the cnt1 changes from nothing to 9 then to
18 but the formula does not mimic what recording did.
The following statement is being used in a do loop.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(" & TagNmeMe & "!R[" & Cnt1 &
"]C[-1]="""",""""," & TagNmeMe & "!R[" & Cnt1 & "]C[-1])"
What I need it to do is this:
if(sheet1!A5="","",sheet1!a5) then 9 rows down paste this:
Problem is when recording a macro the cnt1 changes from nothing to 9 then to
18 but the formula does not mimic what recording did.