Can anyone explain the difference between the following two methodologies of accessing and writing data to a cell in an excel sheet
1. using
range(column : row).selec
activecell.formular1c1 = <data> OR activecell.text = <data
2. Usin
activesheet.cells(column, row) = <data
I have actually seen an application in the last couple of days that was using option 2 to write data to the excel sheet. The only problem was that Excel would continue to remain in memory even though QUIT, setting to nothing was being done on the excel variable instance
However, when i change the code to use Option 1, the excel object was removed from memory
Didnt make sense to me at all. Was hoping that someone could explain this to me
Ashish Shridharan
Can anyone explain the difference between the following two methodologies of accessing and writing data to a cell in an excel sheet
1. using
range(column : row).selec
activecell.formular1c1 = <data> OR activecell.text = <data
2. Usin
activesheet.cells(column, row) = <data
I have actually seen an application in the last couple of days that was using option 2 to write data to the excel sheet. The only problem was that Excel would continue to remain in memory even though QUIT, setting to nothing was being done on the excel variable instance
However, when i change the code to use Option 1, the excel object was removed from memory
Didnt make sense to me at all. Was hoping that someone could explain this to me
Ashish Shridharan