Windows XP Active X

Nov 7, 2009
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Hey All...Help Needed Please

I want to install Adobe Acrobat Reader, but since installing IE8 everytime the active x allow prompt comes up on the info bar it freezes my screen.

I have tried other active x requiring programs, i.e. express photo uploader by photobox, etc and it also freezes every time.

I am not sure what to do, how to fix or if I have done something?

Any help would be much appreciated

Jamesgirl x
jamesgirl said:
Hey All...Help Needed Please

I want to install Adobe Acrobat Reader, but since installing IE8 everytime the active x allow prompt comes up on the info bar it freezes my screen.

I have tried other active x requiring programs, i.e. express photo uploader by photobox, etc and it also freezes every time.

I am not sure what to do, how to fix or if I have done something?

Any help would be much appreciated

Jamesgirl x

Hi Jamesgirl...

Welcom to the forum...

I have had the similar problem in the past. My solution was to roll back to IE 7.
Try that and see how you go. Or you could try using an alternative browser like Firefox. Which in my opinion is a better browser than Internet Explorer.l
Give FOXIT READER a try it has a smaller footprint and uses less resources and is quicker to load.
Abarbarian said:
Give FOXIT READER a try it has a smaller footprint and uses less resources and is quicker to load.

Cheers Abar...I was after Foxit Reader for myself, but couldn't remember what it was called...:thumb:
welcome to PCR


Adobe should be, shot, hung, drawn & quartered ... and sacked. :D
