Active worksheet problem



I have a subroutine that has been working fine until I added 3 worksheets
from another workbook. It seems that when I activate a worksheet then refer
to the ActiveSheet that I am getting a different worksheet. Here is a
portion of the code.


b_end = False

'*** First row contains query name and 2nd row contains Column headings so
start at the 3nd row on the sheet
'*** by initalizing the counter to 2.
i_rownum = 2

'*** Using Base 0 array so set the indexes to their initial setting
i_indxGeo = 0
i_indxLoc = 0

'*** Loop through the entire worksheet until we hit a blank geo value **
Do Until b_end
i_rownum = i_rownum + 1

'*** End the loop when we come to a blank row ***
If ActiveSheet.Range("C" & i_rownum) = "" Then
b_end = True

The worksheet activate is activating Sheet 12 but the ActiveSheet statement
is accessing Sheet 20.

Mike Fogleman

That is curious. In the VBEditor under your workbook project, is the sheet
you want the code to run on listed as:
Sheet12 ("RatesByLevel") ?
What is the tab name of Sheet20 ("Tab Name")
Does anything in the list of sheets look out of order or unusual?
Is there any Worksheet_Activate code on Sheet12 that could be sending the
focus to another sheet?

Mike F


I have checked those worksheets as well as the 3 worksheets that I copied
into the workbook and didn't find any code. All the logic is in a module. I
actually got the sheet numbers backward. The RatesByLevel is sheet 20 - the
data is being pulled off sheet 12. Problem occurs later in the routine
where I activate sheet 13 but the activesheet statement is pointing at sheet
7. I have 24 sheets in this workbook but I wouldn't think that would be

Right now I am going through and fully qualifying the references by
replacing the activesheet.range with workbooks("sheetname").range to see if
that gets me around the problem.

Mike Fogleman

That sounds like a good idea. You rarely need to activate a sheet, so just
qualifying the sheets and their ranges is just good code practice and it
runs smoother in the background.
Good Luck, Mike F

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