Server 2000 SP4 Domain Controller (bigorange.local)
Active Directory integrated DNS (forward and reverse)
Test Environment, not connected to the Internet
Server 2003, NT 4.0 and XP Pro Clients (1 each)
dcpromo created my dns and I deleted the root zone. I created my reverse
zone and added a forward zone bigorange.local - when I add computers to my
domain, DNS is not updated with their IP address and hostname. I do not
understand what I need to check, as I have never had this problem. Where
should I start?
Active Directory integrated DNS (forward and reverse)
Test Environment, not connected to the Internet
Server 2003, NT 4.0 and XP Pro Clients (1 each)
dcpromo created my dns and I deleted the root zone. I created my reverse
zone and added a forward zone bigorange.local - when I add computers to my
domain, DNS is not updated with their IP address and hostname. I do not
understand what I need to check, as I have never had this problem. Where
should I start?