I've a new Windows 2000 server. On the old one, I've several user in the
Active Directory. I already know how to transfer the user accounts. But I
think that all the clients would have to sign up again on the new server.
(network identification). This mean that there will be a new account created
on the client and I've to transfer all the data and mail settings to that new
client. My question, is there a manner to transfer the active Directory so
that the computername is also transfered and the client pc don't have to
change anything?
I've a new Windows 2000 server. On the old one, I've several user in the
Active Directory. I already know how to transfer the user accounts. But I
think that all the clients would have to sign up again on the new server.
(network identification). This mean that there will be a new account created
on the client and I've to transfer all the data and mail settings to that new
client. My question, is there a manner to transfer the active Directory so
that the computername is also transfered and the client pc don't have to
change anything?