Activator.CreateInstance or InvokeMember? Code is not getting me where I want to go.

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this is a repost with a hopefully more clearly stated scenario and more
concise questions at the end.
given the following two classes, my intent is to use pass a token into the
instantiated class DBPassword and return a string;
public class DBPassword
public DBPassword()
//Empty constructor
public string GetPassword(Token token)
string sPassword = "Howdy Doody";
return sPassword;
******************what I will pass into DB.GetPassword.GetPassword above
public class Token
protected string m_strPWD;
public Token()
public string Password
return m_strPWD;



Token tkn = new Token();

tkn.Password = "password";

object[] args = {tkn}; //This is my intention, how do I do this?

Assembly assmbly = Assembly.LoadFrom("O:\\DBPassword\\DBPassword.dll");

Type[] types = assmbly.GetTypes();
foreach (Type t in types)
mi = t.GetMethod("GetPassword");
if (mi != null)
DBPassword ppdr =
(DBPassword)Activator.CreateInstance(t,BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, args, null);

When I run the above, "Constructor on type DBPasswordProvider.DBPassword not
found." } System.Exception is thrown.

Why would this exception be thrown? There is a constructor for public

Should I use Activator.CreateInstance or InvokeMember?

How do I pass in the token as an arg if I do use CreateInstance?

Which of the 9 overloaded versions of Activator.CreateInstance would I
choose for this?

Thank you very much,

p.s. I cross-posted with the remoting newsgroup as I wasn't sure which was
the best newsgroup for this question.