I purchased XP pro four months ago, installed it and activated it and things were quite ok until I upgraded my ram and my graphics card. My system completely crashed and I kept getting conflicting error messages, then the worse thing that could possibly happen, happened. My CD drive chewed up my Windows CD Rom making the disk useless, I rang microsoft hoping they would give some support, The answer I got was that I would have to purchase new software and that they would not consider replacing the old one. Anyhow I've bought a new XP, problem solved? No, after completely formatting all my drives and reinstalling and activating XP, I am constantly bugged with another activation message giving me three days to activate. The irony is, I'm working in the Far East, where I could purchase pirate copies of XP for one dollar, I've purchased this software twice, microsoft will not be held accountable for all the hassle it causes and hypocritcally expects the end user to be held accountable, no wonder the pirate trade flourishes, does anyone out there know whether microsoft should replace the damaged disk?