Friday night ( 11:12 PM ) i installed my Genuine OS ( Windows Vista Home
Premium x64 ). I decided to activate it only Monday ( morning ).
In "System Properties" now ( Sunday, 08:48 PM ) in "Windows Activation" i am
announced that Windows will activate automatic in 1 day. Why in 1 day [?] if
the count was started at 11:12 PM ( Friday ) ???
How is counting Windows this days? From HH:MM to HH:MM or by another type of
Thank You!
Friday night ( 11:12 PM ) i installed my Genuine OS ( Windows Vista Home
Premium x64 ). I decided to activate it only Monday ( morning ).
In "System Properties" now ( Sunday, 08:48 PM ) in "Windows Activation" i am
announced that Windows will activate automatic in 1 day. Why in 1 day [?] if
the count was started at 11:12 PM ( Friday ) ???
How is counting Windows this days? From HH:MM to HH:MM or by another type of
Thank You!