activation after hardware change



My Motherboard had crashed, and I had to install a new one, but now windows
vista bussines ask me for a new avtivation, and when I hit the activation
button, it wont activate please help I had only 3 days left till the
activation.. respond direct to (e-mail address removed)

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Choose the option to activate by phone.
Call Microsoft at the displayed number, usually done in about 5 - 10

Tom Porterfield

Vista said:
My Motherboard had crashed, and I had to install a new one, but now
windows vista bussines ask me for a new avtivation, and when I hit the
activation button, it wont activate please help I had only 3 days left
till the activation.. respond direct to (e-mail address removed)

Activate by phone, it will be quick.

Nina DiBoy

Vista said:
My Motherboard had crashed, and I had to install a new one, but now
windows vista bussines ask me for a new avtivation, and when I hit the
activation button, it wont activate please help I had only 3 days left
till the activation.. respond direct to (e-mail address removed)

Hi Vista lover.

Was it an OEM or retail licence you have for Vista business?

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"hahaha...oh, I do detect a hint of jealousy or what! Where Darrell
actually helps people all you do is beg for attention. Shame on you! Go
get professional psychological clinical help with your obvious problems
and stop your bandwidth sucking bullshit postings in this ng. (rip,
snort, belch, burp, chuckle)"

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot

Doris Day

Jupiter said:
Choose the option to activate by phone.
Call Microsoft at the displayed number, usually done in about 5 - 10
That long!? If I'm on a cellphone, that's a lot of air time used up to get
something to work that I already paid for. What a drag.

Love and Kisses,

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Then do not use a cell phone.
I certainly would not since it may increase my costs.
But you are free of course to use a more expensive option to suit you.

See my other post relating to your dangerous suggestion about getting
the non existent SP-3 for Windows XP.
(Hint, there is no such thing so whatever that site has is of
questionable integrity at best)
But then you already know that.

Doris Day

Jupiter said:
Then do not use a cell phone.
I certainly would not since it may increase my costs.
But you are free of course to use a more expensive option to suit you.
Some people, especially younger people who can't get a regular pots line,
use cellphones. I guess they could carry their computers over to a payphone
and do it that way. That would be another good Wintard suggestion.

Welcome to the real world.

Love and Kisses,


Jupiter said:
Then do not use a cell phone.
I certainly would not since it may increase my costs.
But you are free of course to use a more expensive option to suit you.

See my other post relating to your dangerous suggestion about getting
the non existent SP-3 for Windows XP.
(Hint, there is no such thing so whatever that site has is of
questionable integrity at best)
But then you already know that.

I'm afraid Doris has become delusional in her old age. Talking about
things that never were and never will be.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Wintard suggestion"
Very typical.
Your need to toss an insult to prop your own insecurity.
Your own need to insult in a feeble attempt to prop up your position
reflects well on your character.

People have choices, even the young.
Like everyone else, they need to accept the consequences of that


You can either use the automated phone system which doesn't work for most
people and then you have to speak to a live tech (in India) who will issue
you a new activation code.


I'm considering replacing the harddrive and upgrade the memory in my laptop.
I'm pretty sure the harddrive upgrade (cloning the old) is going to require a
manual reactivation, but will the memory upgrade trigger that as well? (I.e.,
should I do them simultaneously to avoid two reactivations?)

Also, I've heard that there are a minimum number of reactivations before the
original product key is invalid and a new one must be purchased. Is this
true? How many reactivations are allowed per product key? Are all activations
created equal (i.e., do some reactivations not count against you)? How much
does a new product key cost (that $250 upgade price from Vista Home Premium
to Vista Ultimate was already a pretty good hit!)?



mjd said:
I'm considering replacing the harddrive and upgrade the memory in my laptop.
I'm pretty sure the harddrive upgrade (cloning the old) is going to require a
manual reactivation, but will the memory upgrade trigger that as well? (I.e.,
should I do them simultaneously to avoid two reactivations?)

Also, I've heard that there are a minimum number of reactivations before the
original product key is invalid and a new one must be purchased. Is this
true? How many reactivations are allowed per product key? Are all activations
created equal (i.e., do some reactivations not count against you)? How much
does a new product key cost (that $250 upgade price from Vista Home Premium
to Vista Ultimate was already a pretty good hit!)?


Supposedly, you can reactivate Vista as many times as you like. Course,
it usually involves calling India and speaking to a real person to get
it done.


R. C. White

Hi, mjd.

Do you want to hear our guesses? If you would like to read the official
word from Microsoft, go here:

Activating Windows Vista

One topic from that page says:

How many times can I activate Windows Vista?

Windows can be activated any number of times, but your re-activation
experience will vary based on the way you acquired Windows.

If you acquired Windows Vista via retail purchase (boxed product), you may
activate via the Internet the first five times. Subsequent activations are
allowed but must be completed via telephone.

If you acquire Windows Vista pre-installed on a computer, re-installation
would not require additional activation steps unless significant hardware
changes were made.

There's a LOT more on that page, but it's better if you read it there than
for me to quote it all here.

The bad news is that some major hardware changes do require reactivation.
The good news is that reactivation is usually painless, even if a 5-minute
phone call is required, and it can be done on the same computer "any number
of times".

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail beta in Vista Ultimate x64)

Ken Blake

mjd said:
Also, I've heard that there are a minimum number of reactivations
before the original product key is invalid and a new one must be
purchased. Is this true?

No. You've heard wrong. You can reinstall and reactrivate as often as you
want or need to.


mjd said:
Why does the text I write have such stupid line break/wrap

It's the nature of the web interface, I think.

You might be happier using a newsreader to access these groups, Outlook
Express or Windows Mail can be configured to act as a newsreader, the
help files should get you started.

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