I want to be able to automatically find the last cell in the range, offset
(1,0) and activate/select the cell to place the sum of the range. The code
below does not activate the cell at the end to properly place the total
amount. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Sub AddTotal()
With ActiveCell
Set Rng = Range("K8", Range("K8").End(xlDown))
.Formula = "=SUM(" & Rng.Address & ")"
End With
End Sub
(1,0) and activate/select the cell to place the sum of the range. The code
below does not activate the cell at the end to properly place the total
amount. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Sub AddTotal()
With ActiveCell
Set Rng = Range("K8", Range("K8").End(xlDown))
.Formula = "=SUM(" & Rng.Address & ")"
End With
End Sub