Activate Auto-hide Taskbar after N-seconds


Joseph Huddleston

I have Windows XP sp2.

I keep my desktop icons completely hidden on the desktop and typically
use them through a toolbar I normally have in my taskbar and keep it
small so that it opens like another start menu (not quicklaunch) .

I would prefer to have this toolbar be located at the top of my screen
with auto-hide and always on top checked; however I hind the display
action too sensitive. I am constantly activating the hidden toolbar
when I take the mouse to the top off my screen.

I would like to defer the display of the toolbar for 3 seconds when I
take the mouse to the screen top. Is this possible?

If not, I would like to know if it is possible to have the desktop
appear as a folder in the windows xp start menu with "My Documents" and
"My Computer". Is this possible?

Joseph Huddleston

I think I should mention before anyone responds about Taskbar

I realize my subject should not have mentioned "taskbar" but instead
"Windows Bar" or "Toolbar" or something else.

The Taskbar Activate by Pierre is not what I am really wanting. While
it will do the job of delaying activation, I don't wish to hide the
Primary Windows Taskbar. I wish to hide the other Toolbars I am
placing on one of the 3 other sides of the screen and delay their
activation when moused over.

Taskbar Activate does not allow for "always showing" the Main Taskbar.

Sorry for any confusion.

John Jay Smith

I have looked for something like that some time ago, and there was no tool
that could control them

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