Current situation:
I have a Menu application that will kick off other applications on a button
press routine (using OpenNETCF.Diagnostics.Process.Start).
This works fine.
I want to check memory if any of the applications are running, and if so
then inform the user and then bring that application to the front of the
How do I bring the application to the front of the screen??????
I'm using CreateToolHelp32Snapshot() to correctly find all of the running
processes in memory, but I'm a bit stumped on how to then make that process
the prime application.
Visual Studio .Net 2003, PocketPC V4.20, C#
Any ideas? I'm getting desperate now.
I have a Menu application that will kick off other applications on a button
press routine (using OpenNETCF.Diagnostics.Process.Start).
This works fine.
I want to check memory if any of the applications are running, and if so
then inform the user and then bring that application to the front of the
How do I bring the application to the front of the screen??????
I'm using CreateToolHelp32Snapshot() to correctly find all of the running
processes in memory, but I'm a bit stumped on how to then make that process
the prime application.
Visual Studio .Net 2003, PocketPC V4.20, C#
Any ideas? I'm getting desperate now.